Drew got his report card in the mail today. Its so great! No D'd or F's. Not even a C-! WAHOOO! Were very proud of him. It was a lot of hard work between Shayne and Drew but it sure looks like it has paid off! Way to go Drew.
This is baby Malea. She was 4lbs 6ozs at birth. She is an identical twin. Her mom Carrie is a friend of mine. We live near the girls and look forward to taking walks with them this summer.
Today around noon these two beauties were passing through our backyard. I watched them for about 20 minutes while they just walked around and explored.
6/23/2008 Tomorrow Nelson will be 10 months old. This morning for the first time she stood on her own without holding onto something. Her balance is getting so good. So far she has been able to cruise the furniture and take one step (or just lean and catch herself) to get to the next piece of furniture. I think she'll be walking anytime now. So sad but so exciting.
Today I ate my first sucker! I had it EVERYWHERE! My cousin Ellie was holding me during the parade in Woodland and gave it to me after someone in the parade tossed it to her. I loved it.
Nelson is getting her 2 front upper teeth. She must think it feels funny because she keeps rubbing her upper lip on them. Shes also has a non-stop drip of drool down her shirt.
Shayne and Jill met at work in 2004. Shayne had an 11 year old son named Andrew, "Drew." A year later they were married and moved into a new home. Drew is now 15. The Bradley family added a new addition in August of 07. They adopted a beautiful baby girl named Nelson or "Nellie". The family is very excited about the addition and look forward to growing together. Shayne ~ Dad Jill ~ Mom Drew ~ Big Brother Nellie ~ Little Sister
Dad & Big Brother Drew
Nellies first Christmas
Drew - Sidewalk surfing
Big Smiles
Drew and Nellie Christmas
Shayne and Jill in Maui
Mom & Baby Nellie
Napping...... Nellie & Izzy
Baby Nellie
My Big Brown Eyes
Can I have some of that?
Dang Im cute!
Mommy and Nellie at Easter
Nelson 6 months
Can I get a vanilla latte with extra foam!
And and coffee bean on the side! 05/11/2008
I got some new shades~
Im ready for summer
Nelson woke up with a 102 fever today. She was VERY fussy.
Nelson loves to ride in the bjorn
and daddy loves to carry her!
Im so big now!
I can stand up, cruise along the furniture and wipe out everything on the table before my mom and dad even notice!
Im NOT giving up my pappy!
Dont even think about taking it
I LOVE bath time!
Im growing and growing
and busier and busier!
She just started eating these this week. Its fun to watch her hand-eye coordination! She thought she got this one in her mouth!