Last night I put Nelson to bed in her big girl bed. We got the foam bumpers that go under her sheets and they seem to work pretty good. I did learn that you have to have them all the way up on the mattress. At 2am I heard a thud and sure enough she had squirmed out the top where her pillow was. Luckily she landed on the pillow that had fallen on the floor. She said "momma" and I put her back to bed without any further complaints. She also took her nap in the bed today. She was most proud to call Elise and tell her about her big girl experience. The crib is going away this weekend!!
Don't get rid of the crib. You need it for baby number 2!
I was going to say the same thing as Laurel. If you toss the crib, you'll have another baby.
What a big girl. I've never heard of the foam bumpers. Dayton's big boy bed is just a twin mattress on the floor, so falling off isn't an issue. He sleeps in it sometimes.
Hmmm... still on that pacifier huh?
I can't believe she's old enough to be in a big girl bed already!
p.s. I looked at this last week but didn't leave a comment due to dealing with inappropriate amounts of snot.
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