Saturday, November 1, 2008

Does anyone need a house keeper?

She has discovered the swiffer! She gets it out of the closet atleast 5 times a day. Shes constantly swiffering the tile, hardwoods and even the carpet. You can see how proud she is to be using it. Shes a girl after my own heart!!


The Lovely Wife said...

not a baby germophobe--say it isn't so. Could it be she just sees you clean 10-20 times a day and is mimicking her favorite person?

She is so dang cute.

The Rinkels said...

Send her my way! I'll put her to work. I'll teach her the words "dust bunny".

Laurel said...

I could use a swiffer extraordinaire.

Michelle M said...

What a good girl. Dayton finds joy in throwing diapers in the garbage for me. Kids are gems.

Your house looks nice... I still haven't seen it (maybe my next WA trip).

Jen said...

How funny, Logan loves the Swiffer too! He's not quite as good with it as Nellie is though...