My Auntie Heidi got me this animal print shirt. Im wearing it today for the first time. I look so darn cute. I now have an opinion about what shoes I wear. Sometimes my mom wants me to wear a specific pair of shoes but I take them off and bring her the ones I want. Then I fuss and throw a fit until she puts on the pair that I want! Sometimes my mom puts the same pair on 3 or 4 times. I just keep taking them off until she gives in!
I knew you'd be beautiful in that shirt when I saw it. I love you! ~Auntie Heidi
p.s. Keep being fiesty. I love that about you.
She's cute no matter what she wears. But it's so funny how she's so much like her mommy! You are so getting paid back ten fold. :)
She's the next Cheetah Girl for the Disney Channel!
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