Friday, November 14, 2008

A little toilet interest

For weeks now Nellie has been dispensing the toilet paper to anyone who will let her in the bathroom. Today she unzipped her pajamas and pulled me to the toilet and pointed. I thought I'd give it a try! I put her on the toilet and she pushed and pushed. Then she clapped her hands with excitement and reached for the toilet paper. There was nothing in there but she seemed to think it was great. We decided to get her little toilet out and let her give it another try. Here are some pics of the event. She was more interested in trying to climb inside.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Could life get any better?

Today Nelson took her first bath by herself in the big tub. Where are all the toys you ask? She threw them out one at a time when she noticed that water squirted out of them when the hit the ground. She LOVED it. She slipped and went under twice but recovered quickly.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Our little photographer!

Today Nelson got the camera turned on. She pushed every button until the lense popped out. Then she began taking pictures. Here is some of her work! I think you'll enjoy it! She was especially proud when the flash went off!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Im so cute!

My Auntie Heidi got me this animal print shirt. Im wearing it today for the first time. I look so darn cute. I now have an opinion about what shoes I wear. Sometimes my mom wants me to wear a specific pair of shoes but I take them off and bring her the ones I want. Then I fuss and throw a fit until she puts on the pair that I want! Sometimes my mom puts the same pair on 3 or 4 times. I just keep taking them off until she gives in!


This is our new adopted cat! Her name is Rimmy. Shes 8 years old. We adopted her from Aunt Linda. We LOVE her! Nelson and Shayne REALLY love her. We're excited for Drew to meet her today. Shes very sweet and snuggly. She is also very social and friendly. We are excited for the new addition! Please note all the clothes Nelson pulled out of her drawers and drug to the hallway. She thinks shes helping!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Does anyone need a house keeper?

She has discovered the swiffer! She gets it out of the closet atleast 5 times a day. Shes constantly swiffering the tile, hardwoods and even the carpet. You can see how proud she is to be using it. Shes a girl after my own heart!!

I can feed myself!

Nelson wants to feed herself. Here are a couple of pictures! Im not sure if she actually ate anything or just mixed it all together. She was very happy to use the spoon.