Friday, December 11, 2009

I'm not too sore!

I woke up this morning expecting to be sore from my torturous work out yesterday with the trainer. I'm not too sore. Not too sore at all. Because I rate eveything on the 0-10 scale I'd say I'm a 2/10. Totally ok. I'm off to the gym in about 20 minutes for my second session. Today is the day we measure. AAAHHH! I'm not looking forward to this but I know it's necessary. Tonight is our work Christmas party and there is always tons of yummy foods to try. I'm hoping that the hour I spend at the gym will encourage me to stay away of the bad stuff so my time at the gym isn't wasted.
0630- 177.5 lbs
0700- protein shake and an apple
1030- 2 chocolate mint cookies (they're all gone now thankfully)
1120- a chocolate/peanut butter protein shake
It's 1130 I'm off to the gym!
1300- a bowl of white chicken chili/a bowl of taco salad w/o meat
1930- pumpkin mouse dessert and a kahlua w/cream

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