Thursday, December 10, 2009

Such a better day!

So yesterday was a complete disappointment. I was determined to keep on track today.
0639-large bowl of raisin bran crunch
1230-a skinny venti frapachino w/o coffee
1530-half a cup of tomato soup and a mint chocolate chip cookie
1830-finished the tomato soup and added about 20 gold fish crackers
2100-2 chocolate mint cookies

I 'm done for the day. I'd say there is not a single nutritional item in there. HHmmmm .......... well at least there is significantly fewer calories then yesterday.
Today I made a HUGE commitment. I had my first appointment with a personal trainer at the gym. Holy crap that's scary!! They basically tell you how fat and out of shape you are then say that they can make you all better with just a few simple exercises. RRIIIGGHHHTTT! If that's all it took I wouldn't look like this. He asked me my hobbies and I think he was quite surprised by my response............. "EATING" I said. You can't tell? I wasn't kidding. I love to eat. So he took my weight and calculated my BMI (body mass index) then told me what it should be. OUCH. I have to drop my BMI in half. Is that even possible? Well I'll give it a whirl. He then took me to the exercise machine and kicked my hiney. I may not be able to walk tomorrow which is good because then I can't get to the kitchen for food! I signed up for 3 private sessions a week FOR A YEAR. Yes, you read that correct. A YEAR! I need the help. I need the drive. I'm super excited. We'll see how long that lasts. Tomorrow he's taking my measurements. Won't that be fun!

2200-Because I'm honest.................... I just ate 2 Andes mints and 1 oz. of chili cheese freetos :(


The Rinkels said...

LOL! I still can't believe you committed to a year. Again, very BOLD. Good job!

D and L Morgan said...

I am very proud of you and this commitment you have made. It's a hard thing having bad genes. You need to post some pictures of yourself during this journey. Good luck, i'm rooting for you!!!

Laurel said...

You can do it, you've come this far! Might I recommend getting rid of the chocolate in the house and adding precut veggies and fruits. Snack on those oh dedicated one.

p.s. You'd better take back that wish about my daughter becoming more naughty!